✨Hattie's House✨

Here's a collection of essays and manifestos that I found to be impactful or significant in some other way.

This page is still under construction!

GNU Manifesto An argument for collectively owned software that is often cited by the free software and Linux communities.
By Richard Stallman Published: 1983 Link: https://www.gnu.org/gnu/manifesto.en.html
Reclaiming Online Spaces A guide to curating online spaces that are healthy and condusive to genuine connection.
By Ivan Papiol Published: 2023 Link: https://ivanpapiol.itch.io/reclaiming-online-spaces-manifesto
sadgrl internet manifesto A breakdown of the effect that commercialism has had on the internet and online relationships.
By sadgrl Published: 2023 Link: https://goblin-heart.net/sadgrl/cyberspace/internet-manifesto